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EDI Compliance Keeps the World Moving

Kleinschmidt specializes in helping businesses conduct paperless, lightning-fast integrations with their business partners. Using standards called X12 and EDIFACT, which define the information and consistent data format for complete transactional messaging, you can comply with businesses who request automated EDI messaging.

You’ll find EDI enabling transportation, logistics, warehouse management, services, purchasing and payments in a virtually effortless flow that keeps the global supply chain moving. In addition, EDI transactional messaging empowers the banking, healthcare, and insurance industries as well.   

Enable complex end-to-end integration between your business systems and your trading partner community.

Our hosted on-premises and hybrid cloud-based EDI and API Integration solutions serve as a gateway to the global supply chain, seamlessly uniting the applications, electronic documents and communication protocols necessary to keep your business running and critical data on the move.

How Kleinschmidt Makes EDI Simple

Practice makes perfect. There’s a reason we have a track record of getting new integrations up and running faster than most. We have been practicing the art of integrating an endless range of EDI and non-EDI documents for over four decades spanning a countless number of applications and software platforms.

Once you’re up and running, our Client Services team will monitor your messaging and resolve any messages that get hung up, so you can focus on your business. We take care of any software upgrades, or changes in data specifications by your trading partners, and we are just a phone call away if you need us. We’re here for you 24/7/365.

A Long History with EDI

Over the years, we have had a voice in the development of the X12 standards, and continue to engage with The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC). Certified by the American National Standards Institute, X12 represents a widely-used standard communication protocols for electronic data interchange in a number of industries and applications. Kleinschmidt’s own Vice President of Sales, Doug Anderson, is the current chair of the American National Standards Institute’s X12 Transportation subcommittee.

Kleinschmidt makes it simple:

You send data from your application, and we seamlessly transform it into what your trading partners require.

Picture of image in the center says API and various icons surrounding it

Need API Integrations?

Integrating through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) is a way to link two software systems and even entire business ecosystems of partner companies. The adoption of API integration is increasing as cloud applications and third-party software provide innovative ways to enhance business operations. Kleinschmidt is ready to assist you, from the initial design phase to implementation and continuous support.